I'll show ya the ferment update first.

Here is a side progress picture. I am excited that this one is so active because the massage step didn't produce any white froth. So far whenever I have gotten froth, I have had a lot of activity from the ferment.

Look at those beautiful bubbles! It smells so good, I wish there were a way to share smells with you over the internet. I can try to describe it. It smells like a cold sub sandwich that you splurged on to get extra giardiniera and extra pickled onions from the deli down the street on a warm spring day.
As I get older, I am noticing that I am getting sentimental about food. Thinking about sandwiches reminds me of a sub shop my mother used to take me to as a treat. They were the type of sandwiches we could make at home easily, but their meats were spiced better than the grocery store, they had nice toppings, and tasty, fluffy bread with a lightly crunchy crust. The seating area was small but it was always clean and well-lit. I think the decor was red and white, like a 50's American diner. The business must have folded, I can't remember the last time I went there. That whole area has been aggressively gentrified over the past decade. We used to eat at the sturdy metal patio tables outside when it was nice out. The sun felt different on my skin as a kid. It felt more piercing, but less hot.
The sub shop was in a small shopping strip that had a locally-owned movie rental business in a stand-alone building in the parking lot. The building had a drive-up dropbox in the back for quick and/or after hours returns. We spent so much time looking through all of the options they had every time we went. It was all VHS's when I was a kid. I remember the boxes had such strange plastic clasps on the inside. I never understood how they didn't break when I closed the box. I loved cartoons, and I still do. I remember not being tall enough to reach the counter or even see the rental clerk at the right angle. My dad always got a box of Red Hots if he was there--they're these small, chewy, cinnamon-flavored candies. The box is bright red and has a flame-person with sunglasses on it. I associate cinnamon with my dad. He tried to hide the Red Hots box in his sock drawer after sharing some with us, but I always found them. I don't know if they were meant to be found.
Thanks for stopping by! Seeya next time.