It's groundhog day. What a weird "holiday".
I learned how to add background music and positional sounds in Godot last week, and yesterday I started working more intently on learning GdScript--the code that the developers of Godot wrote specifically for Godot Engine. It's similar enough to Python3 that I'm not having too much trouble with the concepts and trying to get things to work the way I want them to. I need to understand what an audio bus is more clearly, though. Like I understand they route all of the sounds and the hierarchy is from right to left with left controlling everything, but why is it called a "bus"? How is it distinct from other sound control systems?
I made borscht last week. I forgot to put cabbage on the shopping list! Haha. Ah well, it was good anyway. I made it with my veggie stock. I fried the carrots and onions in butter, so the carrots became more sweet and the onions gave the soup that strong onion oomph. It was tasty. We put sour cream and dried dill on top. The sour cream made it more of a bright pink color once I mixed it into my serving. We have a little left in the fridge yet that we can eat with dinner today.
I made bread successfully for the first time this weekend using a Sally recipe. I ate some after it cooled down enough out of the oven, and made a grilled cheese the next day because I'd been in a grilled cheese mood. It's fluffy and buttery and wonderful. I'm so excited that I got an instant yeast recipe right. I think I'm becoming more comfortable with doughs in general. I noticed that I needed to flour the surface I was kneading on much more than I would have thought to in the past. I've also learned through nearly breaking my pastry cutter multiple times that I need to cut the butter up into small pieces before I add it to anything. In recipes where butter needs to be softened beforehand, it makes the incorporation stage so much quicker if it's cut up before it goes in. I'll say it until I die; mistakes are teachers!
I don't have much else that's ready to share yet. Thanks for stopping by! Seeya next time.